I have absolutely have had my ass handed to me by Facebook Ads over the past few months…
(I’m setting records for lead costs like a champ…although the wrong kind of records like “highest average of leads – eva!”)
and these results are also 100% my personal responsibility!
and it’s that same responsibility for the success you’re about to see explode all over those in my sphere of influence…especially my closest loved ones and top biz partners!
(lol…I downplay it and shouldn’t undervalue – I have 4 people on my team that have passed a full time income…3 of them at $10K-$20K months and well beyond!…much less the many dozens who are cranking consistent 4 figure months.)
This isn’t about income…it’s about me sharing with you transparently…
(like I’m well known for)
Struggle is ALWAYS a part of the game when you’re learning new skills, and even those of us that have been doing this over a decade deal with the EXACT same struggle as everyone else!
(It’s just that we expect it…in fact, we even look forward to it because we know a breakthrough comes through this process called success!)
I’m seeing measureable stat increases daily…and that cannot continue without positive movement towards one’s targets…
Deeply looking forward to even more sharing of my struggles & successes…
and bringing an ARMY of inspired & amazing people on the journey!
If you are not among this inspired army – yet…
and you want to be – Go check this out!
(and reach out anyway because ANYONE doing anything to bring out even more of their fullest potential is automatically a part of this army called – INSPIRED SUCCESS AND MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE THAN IT ALREADY IS!)
PS – I believe in you!
Will this be covered in Thursday’s webinar?
We cover things at high level – absolutely.
The deep dive details & true mastery level learning are inside of our community & system.