Do you ever refer to Wednesdays as “hump day”?
I always found that term weird…
(the first time I heard it, I thought someone was trying to obscenely make fun of me – LOL!)
I want you to really think about that word…
How does it fit in the context of your week?
Is Wednesday the “middle” of your week?
Do you get excited for Fridays…
and depressed on Sunday evening/Monday morning?
Side note: Did you know people have more heart attacks on Mondays… than any other day of the week?That’s how much the average person dreads Mondays!
(this statistic holds true, across all ages, even when people are in retirement! – they’re conditioned to not like Mondays!)
If you’ve watched my videos, you’ve probably noticed how there are many times where I don’t know what day or what time it is.
My life wasn’t always like that…
I used to know exactly how many more hours, minutes, and seconds it was until it was 5:00pm.
Counting down towards those precious few hours of freedom.
So I want you to carefully think about “hump day“…
and think about how different times and days of the week show up for you.
And as you’re now thinking about how you experience the different times & days of the week…
Start to realize that to be deeply fulfilled…
you need to be present!
So if you’re always getting excited about the next time you get to spend with your loved ones…
or your favorite hobbies…
or about how much better life would be if you had more cashflow…
or dreading the 13 letters “Monday morning”…
That’s a message from God…
every quantum particle dancing in relative chaos…
and the entire universe conspiring in your favor…
nudging you trying to let you know…
“You’re meant for more than this!
There’s something so special waiting for you, and it’s just on the other side of you taking action!”
There are action takers in the world…
and there are those that watch others take action.
The action takers eventually become the ones that don’t know what day it is because they are happily dancing in the flow of the moment…
while the watchers sit around the water cooler…
staring at the clock…
Talking about “hump day” and “the good ‘ole days”.
{!firstname_fix} – If you are an action taker…
and you want to erase the word “hump day” from your vocabulary – forever…
then come check out the best freedom creator I have ever found in my nearly 11 years as an online marketer & entrepreneur.
PS – That voice inside of you… the one nudging you towards your best self and telling you that there’s something better for you…
I’m here to tell you, after working with 1,000’s of people all around the world…
that voice will never go away…
So is today the day you listen to it and take action?
— Jason “Hump Day Killa” Cardamone
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My Mission Statement:
The purpose of my life is to love, to enjoy the journey, and to inspire, teach, and serve others!