Is cryptocurrency the wave of the future?
Some version of it seems likely… It seems to be the next step… although there is much power / manipulation possible from the wealth that already controls the world.
We are ultimately moving towards “light” in our exchanging of value with one another.

We started with elements (trading stones)…
then bartering & trading goods…
then realized that was inefficient so created a more exchangeable form of value – coins…
then coins were too heavy so we moved into paper…
and paper has given away to electronic. (current system)
We continuously seek better & better ways to exchange value with each other, more quickly, more efficiently… moving towards the fastest thing we can currently grasp – the speed of light.
and every person / entity that wants a measure of control of any given segment of society… creates their own form of whatever the current exchange of value is.
(that’s why each current country tends to have it’s own currency… it’s all about control & power. and it’s NOT all conspiracy and a bunch of evil dudes… although there is inherently “corruption”.
Whoever owns the power, has the control, and exerts their values over others… so you want to gain your own power too in every possible way. (education, accumulation of wealth & wisdom, empowerment of your spiritual, mental, relationships, social circle, etc.)
Those “dudes at the top” (government) are doing the best they can to SERVE their people & populations, AND themselves… they want their country to dominate… they want to GROW…
Just like any religion, any state, any church, any organization, any network marketing company, any network marketing team, any family, any individual…
We seek to ever grow & expand… we are WIRED to grow… we’re just following our human nature.
Though that lens… each country wants their people to thrive, to expand the nation’s power… so that they can – yep – go get more power & control.
and yes… somethings are controlled aside from just the government…
who pulls strings in the government? Those with power, money, connections. NOT the people that vote… even the votes can be highly manipulated through social engineering. At least until a give people “rise up”… but things have to be real, real bad for that… like being depraved of the basic necessities of life. Until those necessities are gone… people may bitch & complain… but they will likely not rise up.)
We will likely ultimately end up in some form of spintronics to exchange value with one another.
The question is… what gets us from where we’re currently at… to spintronics / light as an exchange of value?
Those that foresee that path and stay ahead of the curve… they’ll be the most wealthy.
Those that guess wrong… will lose.
(Even some in current huge power/wealth… and those with relatively lower power/wealth. Some will lose their power/wealth, some will gain power/wealth.)
BTC seems to be a pretty strong contender… and while, like everything on planet earth, it has it’s drawbacks…
The best technology / vehicle / logical choice doesn’t always win.
Look at how VHS tapes beat out Betamax. Betamax was superior in many ways… but do you know why VHS won?
Network effect.
Network effect is the “snowball down a hill” analogy.
whomever gets to a market first and dominates enough… it’s very, very hard for others to catch up.
The more people that they get… sends ripple impacts in many ways to dominate.
Like Uber… they have more drivers, so the customers get a ride more quickly.
There are more customers looking for cars, so if a driver had to choose… they’ll drive for Uber.
They win on every aspect. (or more of the important ones)
Amazon, Uber, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, iPhone, BTC…
they each achieved network effect & dominated for quite some time. (many/all of the above still dominating)
VHS beat Betamax out because they got to market first, started dominating, and the inferior technology of VHS was soon in every household…
and the techies sat there dumbfounded… realizing people had a crap technology in VHS compared to Betamax.
You wanna know what drove VHS to dominate the entire market? Many aren’t going to like this answer – Porn.
The porn industry chose VHS as it’s format of choice… and network effect was game over after that.
BTC seems to have some level of network effect in the crypto industry.
So I don’t know if crypto crushes or gets crushed… at some point… it will get crushed to future technology…
but that could be decades out…
What will happen in the meantime?
Those that “guess” correctly and are positioned will thrive.
Those that see it earlier than others… even if by months (or weeks)…
can still win.
Those that come to the game late – you lose exchange of value…
which means you lose wealth.
(Just like some of us in North America saw Corona weeks / 1-2 months ahead of when others even know about it…
I had toilet paper, paper towels, guns… all at my choice to purchase from just a month head start. AND I also knew what commodities & materials would be likely to “be hard to get”… because I had studied human nature & history.
Just a tiny few weeks gave me a massive advantage…
Plus for over a decade already “prepping” to a degree… that gave me another huge advantage… even if I had seen Corona “too late”.)
Where does this leave us with crypto?
Choose well my friends… may the odds (& your forebrain) be ever in your favor.
PS – If you want to go way, way deeper around any of these areas… or if you want to plug into a vehicle that can help you create an immense amount of wealth & power over time…
Comment below or connect with me on Facebook and I’ll share with you where I spend the majority of all of my time, energy & focus to help humanity awaken to it’s true power & potential.