People Ask Me What The EASIEST Way To Start Getting BIG Results Online Is, And My Answer Is

– That Time I Lived The Movie “Friday”, as I Got “Knocked the F@#$ Out”
Have you seen the movie, "Friday"? Chris Tucker has a line in that movie, which you can see here: I just shared this with a good friend in Facebook messenger... over a situation they had frustration & anger over. There is a battle between your inner...

Greatest Team In The History of Network Marketing?
BREAK-THROOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUGH!!! Just launched my transformative 90 day program for my team. Transformation across every aspect of life & biz, including accountability of biz metrics & KPI's. My breakthrough is... this is like all the BEST pieces of all of...

Is Cryptocurrency Bitcoin BTC The Wave of The Future?
Is cryptocurrency the wave of the future? Some version of it seems likely... It seems to be the next step... although there is much power / manipulation possible from the wealth that already controls the world. We are ultimately moving towards "light" in...

Excessive Force, Looting, Riots, & Protests
Clearly, there are many challenges around society today. If you live in the US, you are directly seeing protests, anger, conflict, fear... the impacts of repression (and much more), which I believe over the course of the coming years... will be seen as not only a...

How To Leverage Great Content
I was coaching a team member to better leverage a HUGE win they shared with me, and to realize how their story can inspire every aspect of the world around them. Write a story (or video) once, and use it MANY times to create value for yourself & the world around...