I am about to open up and show you something that most people “at my level” would never show you…
I mean, after nearly 11 years in this industry… I can just sit back and do nothing…
and “enjoy the fruits of my efforts”, right?
That’s not entirely correct…
I absolutely have income flowing in from several sources…
regardless of whether I travel the entire month…
or if I’ve been gone the entire summer to spend time with my children on their break.
I used to dream about getting checks like this on a consistent basis…
Here’s a pic I took off of my balcony from just a few weeks ago…
but this isn’t about me showing you what I’ve become accustomed to over the years…
It’s about the truth of what creates that type of life.
(and not just the checks…)
Those checks are the result of the work put in…
and with any result…
you need to realize it doesn’t just come for those that sit around praying & waiting for it.
These results come from a certain type of input…
Traffic & Leads!
It’s been since 2010 since I’ve had incoming “cold traffic” like this…
I made plenty of mistakes along the way… and one of them was taking my eye off of the bread & butter of building an online business… TRAFFIC & LEADS!
I mean… back when I owned a smoothie franchise with my parents… we would pay top dollar to have a better location at a given event that would get us even more traffic…
because the more “traffic” in front of your store, your offer, your products/services… the more potential buyers you have!
(and the more LIVES you can change when you’re offering a world class, amazing experience with your product/service.)
and when you also get the RIGHT type of traffic/eyeballs seeing your products/services… the ones that are already in the market for what you’re offering… the ones who are going to take the most action and where you can offer the most value to them…
it’s a win-win-win for all of humanity!
(because as you improve the life of your customers/clients/teammates… not only does YOUR life also get better… but ripple impacts go out in every direction… literally making the world a better place.)
I know I can do anything I set my mind to…
and even with that… the days of me seeing leads flow in while I sleep at night, while I kick ass at karate, while I hang out with my loved ones… and while I pour my heart and soul into webinars…
the amount of gratitude I have for seeing these leads is hard to explain… except to say the more I dive into it… the more the tears pour down and it’s almost hard to type because of my hands starting to shake…
There was a time in my past… where I was consistently bringing in 20-30 leads/day… and I just got to where I started to take it for granted. (aka: wasn’t as grateful for it as I once was when I started out)
and I even got to that same point for the new team members joining us. (in some cases many dozens/day… I think I peaked at a little over 1,000 new team members/month joining.)
and so those resources dwindled and faded… in direct correlation with the amount of direct gratitude I felt for them on a consistent basis.
and so… on this day filled with even more gratitude than yesterday… I look forward to positively impacting even more lives than I already have!
(and it all starts with the gratitude I have for these few dozen beautiful people that have trusted me enough to give their name & email… I got your back!)
PS – 20-30 leads/day is still just the start… I have friends who do 400 SALES/day… personally! (which probably means several thousand leads/day)
PPS – If I can do this… YOU can do this… and you can do it in a much shorter time than you can possibly imagine!